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Cinema DVD Book TV Other
The Day The Earth Stood Still

The Day The Earth Stood Still

Original Soundtrack

Total Film

March 2009

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Music by Tyler Bates
Label Varese Sarabande

Rating ***

The menace of Tyler Bates’ score does plenty of heavy lifting in Fox’s Keanu-starring remake. No sign of the theremin that made the original ’5os score a sci-fi classic, although eerie chirps and squeals do crop up. But Bates’ arrangements are dominated by quivering strings and percussive thumps. The sounds of ‘Mountain’ and ‘G.O.R.T.’ build the mood and the majestic wonderment of ‘Orb Rising’ suggests a more mind-blowing film than the one beamed into cinemas, while other tracks just limp along. Bates manages to inject some shock and even a bit of awe, but ultimately it’s all variations on a single droning theme.

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